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Friday, January 8, 2010

(57th) The Fantastical Adventures of Rocket Boy

This is a little idea for a cartoon/comic that came to me today.

The Fantastical Adventures of Rocket Boy.

A Steam-punk themed cartoon set in the stylized world of the future, as seen from the 1950's perspective, yet with a twist.
You'd get your flying cars, zeppelins, robots, crazy inventions, ray guns, and maniacal villains.

I see it as a mix between The Rocketeer, Arcanum (an old PC RPG) Sky Captain, Astro Boy, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and The Goon.

I still haven't thought of the style yet. I'm toying with the idea of going along the lines of the Fallout mascot, modified, of course. That, or something completely different. I'm still doing lots of thinking about this.

The premise (of the first season, at least) would be that Rocket Boy's father has been kidnapped by a rival Robotics Inventor, and Rocket Boy, armed with his father's prize invention, a robotic jetpack, must find a way to save him.

In each episode, Rocket Boy finds a leaked radio message from his father, with clues to his whereabouts.

I see it being mostly for teens to adults, with some spicily awesome writing and groovy characters.

Well, I just needed to get all of that out of my system in case I forgot it. Would be nice to have a Steam Punk styled show.
I think it could have some potential.

That's all for now.

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