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Monday, November 22, 2010

89 - A 3D Office

In 3D class we had to design an office for a kid. I got a little carried away, so, we'll say it's for a very mature kid, or a groovy teen.
I threw in lots of extra stuff. There's even a picture of my brother dressed up as a beer bottle.

(Dec. 7/2010)
Here's a day and night render with lighting.

There we have it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

88 - Rough Pitch

Rough pitch animation. Basically it's keys and a little inbetweens. It's a start.

Monday, November 8, 2010

87 - Rough Flash 11 Second Club

A rough pose and head-comp setup.

I believe the audio clip is from Wrath of Kahn.
I based the old guy off Andy Rooney.
To me he kind of looks like a mix between Rooney and Dan Rather.

Don't mind the hyper-blinky kid. Just a quick symbol insert.

86 - Rough Pre-Flash

So, there's a rough layout, and a character design. We're doing a montage in Flash. I'm using it as a chance to flush out my Jetpack Jack character a bit, and do some actual animation with him. Should be fun.
I hope.

I have a little script done up, and some rough storyboards, which will be treated to a little graphite, then be turned into an animatic, and -then- comes the flashin'.