The assorted ramblings and drawings of a colorblind art student.
This is my blog. Sometimes I don't write for awhile, that usually means I'm doing something else. I didn't forget about you, though.
I like you.
I've got a job, doing mostly night shifts so far, so while missing out on sleep, I decided to colour up a version of this drawing before I crashed after work. Gotta love Photoshop. Work is busy, life is good. All is well. That is all.
In this little post, I did some digging around to last year. We had an Art History assignment, wherein we made a mock T.V. pitch for a program, based around a certain period of Art History. Our group got Greece, so, we created this, called Greecey Mysteries.
Even after this was finished, there were parts that made us wince. So much would we change. So much would we do better.
Even though it makes me die inside a little bit, each time, I'm posting it here. Compare this to Jesus Christ - Zombie Killer, and please, please notice the drastic improvement. Though, considering that in Greecey Mysteries, we didn't even have a script, I think it was okay for our first video project. Ever.
So, there you have it. A lot of the dialogue and story ideas were thought up by me, though. Yet we all learn from out mistakes. Let this be a lesson to you.